Followup question to the trigger

  • I believe the results of the execution of my trigger are stored in temp table in temp db. because every time it runs it makes one of these #BFE88294.
    But I can not select from it. How can I query the contents of this table.
    Thank you

  • As it is a local temporary table and it is apparently created in the trigger (we don't have the code for the entire trigger so have to assume), once the trigger is completed the table goes out of scope and you can't query it.

  • Lynn Pettis - Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:24 AM

    As it is a local temporary table and it is apparently created in the trigger (we don't have the code for the entire trigger so have to assume), once the trigger is completed the table goes out of scope and you can't query it.

    Okay that is what I thought

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