Using CTE and data table

  • Hi


    I wish to create a table of data that links a CTE and a data customer table

    I wish to see how customers that the company has  in total, and how many have left

    at each of the first of the month (from the CTE)

    I have a customer table

    ID, ActiveFrom,      ActiveTo
    1   2017 - 04 -01     2017 - 08 -23   
    2   2017 - 02 -01     Null
    3   2017 - 02 -01     2017 - 09 -23

    I have the following cte

    Declare @DateFrom datetime, @DateTo Datetime
    Set @DateFrom = '2017-04-01'
    set @DateTo = '2018-03-31';


    SELECT @DateFrom AS cte_start_date
    SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, 1, cte_start_date)
    FROM CTE   
    WHERE DATEADD(MONTH, 1, cte_start_date) <= @DateTo 


    I am having no luck

    how do I link these together

    please help

  • You did a good job of providing what you've tried, it's helpful if you put your sample data into a temp table script too. Here's one way, had to handle the NULL values by transforming into some future date (picked '12/31/2078' arbitrarily). Not fantastic, it'd be better if you could replace the NULLs with a date value first, and do away with the ISNULL() function in the WHERE.

    So, since you have your CTE which is a table of dates by month, you want to bounce every record there against your data, so you want to CROSS JOIN. In this case, you need the date you're testing from the cte to land within the active date span for that ID. But, it's better to do the check for <= ActiveTo and >= ActiveFrom (See the following for examples:

    Declare @DateFrom datetime, @DateTo Datetime

    Set @DateFrom = '2017-04-01'

    set @DateTo = '2018-03-31';

    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#temp') IS NULL


    CREATE TABLE #temp (ID int,ActiveFrom date,ActiveTo date);

    INSERT INTO #temp (ID,ActiveFrom,ActiveTo)

    SELECT 1, '4/1/2017','8/23/2017' UNION

    SELECT 2, '2/1/2017', NULL UNION

    SELECT 3, '2/1/2017', '9/23/2017';




    SELECT @DateFrom AS cte_start_date


    SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, 1, cte_start_date)


    WHERE DATEADD(MONTH, 1, cte_start_date) <= @DateTo


    SELECT COUNT(ID),cte_start_date

    FROM #temp


    WHERE cte_start_date <= ISNULL(ActiveTo,'12/31/2078')
    AND cte_start_date >= ActiveFrom

    GROUP BY cte_start_date

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  • posting a follow-up to say that if you're going to group by month a lot, you might just want to create a permanent date table, so you don't have to use a CTE and DATEADD() to solve this problem. Plus, you can add things like end of month dates, quarters that the date belongs in to both calendar and fiscal years, etc.

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