Bulk Insert failing when using an AG listener

  • We just replaced a C-NAME with an AG listener and users who were able to bulk insert started failing with Access Denied.  We finally determined that this only happens through the listener and if the primary replica is accessed directly by host name bulk insert works.  Kerbos delegation has been set on both the service account for the SQL server and on the computer account for the listener.  I have not found much other information on the topic so far and just curious if anyone has run into this issue and solved it.

  • I finally got bulk insert working through the AG listener; unfortunately I don't know exactly which of the changes made the difference.  Many of the changes were in AD so they did not take effect immediately, but I will list everything that is in place now.

    SQL Service account has full control in the directory the bulk insert file is located (I don't think this is necessary?)
    SQL Service account has kerbos delegation
    SQL Service account has netbios and FQDN SPNs for the server and all AG replicas
    Listener computer account has kerbos delegation
    All replica computer accounts have kerbos delegation

  • Odd behavior, but good to know. Do bulk inserts via listener update both nodes at same time or something?

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