Color alternate column group in matrix

  • Hi,
    i want to color the column groups in matrix only if the value is present else not. Also i want to do alternate column group colors and not show the value in the output matrix.
    attached file for example.
    I could get the alternate colors to show up but not able to hide the values and show the colors only if the value is present.Using below code-
    Dim iCounter as Integer=0
    Public Function getColumnCounter() as Integer
    Return iCounter
    End Function

    =iif(Code.getColumnCounter mod 2 =0 and Fields!clientName.Value>0,"LightGreen","PaleTurquoise")
    please help.thanks

  • Please don't post in multiple forums.  It fragments the discussion.

    Please post all responses here.

    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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