PostBackUrl - Page not loading following image select

  • Hello,

    This is not my area of expertise so please excuse me if this question is already answered and / or missing some required details.

    I have been tasked with managing the move on an in-house built intranet application from Windows 2003 to Windows 2012 R2.

    The old architecture was a single node running SQL 2005 and SQL Reporting Services with IIS v6.0 hosting the intranet site.

    The new architecture is 1 node running SQL 2016, and a 2nd node acting as an application server running SQL Reporting Services and IIS 8.5 and hosting the intranet site.  Kerberos authentication is being used to authenticate on the domain.

    The majority of the site is working on the new architecture but there is an image on the home page which links to ReportingServices ''.  When the image button is selected a HTTP 403 error is returned but if the page is refreshed then the page loads and is accessible.   If the image is selected on the old single host the link is working without issue.

    If I manually enter the URL directly in the browser '' or '' or '' and press enter the page loads without issue.

    If I try to load the page by selecting the the image / icon with F12 Developer Tools turned on in IE on the new architecture - the console view states: -

    HTML1300: Navigation occurred.
    HTML1524: Invalid HTML5 DOCTYPE. Consider using the interoperable form "<!DOCTYPE html>".
    http_403.htm (1,1)

    and if I select the hyperlink from the HTML1524 row above in Console view the debugger page shows

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

    The E:\WebSites\\Default.aspx page has the following code relating to the button

    <div class="float">
    <asp:ImageButton ID="ibSqlReports" runat="server" SkinID="ibsqlreports" PostBackUrl="~/reports/browse" Visible="True" />

    The web developer working on this says he does not experience the issue when he tests but the app developer, myself and other people I have got to test all do.

    If I change the PostBackUrl as follows and point it at '' a page does open but states - "413. That’s an error. Your client issued a request that was too large.  That’s all we know."

    <div class="float">
    <asp:ImageButton ID="ibSqlReports" runat="server" SkinID="ibsqlreports" PostBackUrl="" Visible="True" />

    I have read lots of different posts on HTML 5 and possible folder permission issues and setting <identity impersonate="true" /> in web.config but everything I have tried has not been successful.

    Could someone help me troubleshoot this further?

  • Quick question, have you checked if the SkinID for the image points to a valid skin file in the theme directory on the new instance?

  • I believe it does point to a valid skin file but if I am checking the wrong area please suggest

    I see the following entries in the file E:\WebSites\\\App_Themes\Gloss Black\

       <asp:ImageButton runat="server" skinid="ibsqlreports" AlternateText="SQL Reporting Server" ImageUrl="images/launchsqlreports.jpg"
            onmouseover="mOver(this);" onmouseout="mOut(this);"
            onmousedown="mDown(this);" onmouseup="mUp(this);" />

    I can confirm the E:\WebSites\\App_Themes\Gloss Black\images folder contains multiple jpg files including launchsqlreports.jpg

    All other images on the webpage work correctly - it is just this one linking to SQL Reports which does not open a valid page when selected but the URL works if manually entered.

  • Dave_P_C - Sunday, August 5, 2018 3:14 AM

    I believe it does point to a valid skin file but if I am checking the wrong area please suggest

    I see the following entries in the file E:\WebSites\\\App_Themes\Gloss Black\

       <asp:ImageButton runat="server" skinid="ibsqlreports" AlternateText="SQL Reporting Server" ImageUrl="images/launchsqlreports.jpg"
            onmouseover="mOver(this);" onmouseout="mOut(this);"
            onmousedown="mDown(this);" onmouseup="mUp(this);" />

    I can confirm the E:\WebSites\\App_Themes\Gloss Black\images folder contains multiple jpg files including launchsqlreports.jpg

    All other images on the webpage work correctly - it is just this one linking to SQL Reports which does not open a valid page when selected but the URL works if manually entered.

    Sounds alright and it's probably not the issue. Have you capture the actual client request when the image button is pressed?

  • Sorry but I do not know how to do that.  Can you please advise what steps I need to take?

  • Dave_P_C - Sunday, August 5, 2018 3:41 AM

    Sorry but I do not know how to do that.  Can you please advise what steps I need to take?

    You can either use a network analyzing tool like Wireshark or a debugging proxy like Fiddler, the former is probably an overkill in your case.

  • Using Fiddler when I select the link the following results are returned

    Result - 301 
    Protocol - HTTP
    Host -
    URL - /reports/browse
    body - 0
    Caching - no-cache
    Process - iexplore:17296

    and to add - Response Header - HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden but I am not clear why this is if I can manually enter the full URL and it works

    and to add further (in case it is relevant) - The Auth tab data for the image click states: -
    No Proxy-Authorization Header is present.
    Authorization Header (Negotiate) appears to contain a Kerberos ticket:

    Please let me know if other details are required.

  • Dave_P_C - Sunday, August 5, 2018 4:03 AM

    Using Fiddler when I select the link the following results are returned

    Result - 301 
    Protocol - HTTP
    Host -
    URL - /reports/browse
    body - 0
    Caching - no-cache
    Process - iexplore:17296

    and to add - Response Header - HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden but I am not clear why this is if I can manually enter the full URL and it works

    Please let me know if other details are required.

    That is the server response, first you need to capture and validate the request sent from your local client when the button is pressed.

    Since you got a 403, then find and analyze the corresponding entries in the log files.

  • Hello,

    So we have simplified the environment and everything is now hosted on a single node to remove the need for Kerberos authentication. 

    The site loads and everything appears to be working fine but the issue still persists when trying to open the Reporting Services WebService Portal by selecting the image.

    The page successfully loads if I manually enter the URL (or click on a shortcut in favourites bar) - 

    In Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost_08_11_2018_06_54_24.log the following entries are logged with XSRF Failed each time the image is selected to access ~/reports/browse

    <Product>Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 13.0.5026.0</Product>
    <TimeZone>GMT Daylight Time</TimeZone>
    <Path>E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.NAME\Reporting Services\LogFiles\Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost_08_11_2018_06_54_24.log</Path>
    <OSName>Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0</OSName>
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Setting up Debug CRT libraries
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: w WARN: %_NTDRIVE% not defined... Skipping
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!library!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: SQLDump flags: ReferencedMemory, AllThreads, SendToWatson
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!library!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: MiniDump flags: DataSegs, UnloadedModules, ProcessThreadData
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!library!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Dump on: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogExceptionMicrosoft.ReportingServices.Modeling.InternalModelingExceptionMicrosoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.UnhandledReportRenderingException
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!library!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Do not dump on: System.Threading.ThreadAbortExceptionSystem.Web.UI.ViewStateExceptionSystem.OutOfMemoryExceptionSystem.Web.HttpExceptionSystem.IO.IOExceptionSystem.IO.FileLoadExceptionMicrosoft.SharePoint.SPExceptionMicrosoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.WMIProviderExceptionSystem.AppDomainUnloadedException
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!library!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Minidump location: E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.NAME\Reporting Services\LogFiles
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Starting ReportServerWebApp
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Working directory : E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS13.NAME\Reporting Services\RSWebApp
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Report Server url: http://localhost:80/ReportServer
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Report Server Web App virtual root: /Reports
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Web app url: http://+:80/Reports/
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Web app url:
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:24:: i INFO: Authentication scheme(s): Ntlm
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 0  : AuthSchemeConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 5  : RequestLoggingConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 10 : CustomAuthenticationConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 20 : BasicAuthenticationConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 25 : RequestThrottlingConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 30 : CsrfTokenCreationConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 40 : LanguageConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 50 : XFrameOptionsConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 50 : ClassicUrlRedirecterConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 50 : PopulateHeadersConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 53 : LocalRequestMiddlewareConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 55 : ClassicUrlRewriterConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 60 : ResponseCompressionConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 100 : FileSystemConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 190 : ServiceUnavailableConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 200 : DatabaseAvailableConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!crypto!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Initializing crypto as user: domain\service_account
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!crypto!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Exporting public key
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!crypto!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Performing sku validation : Scale-Out
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!crypto!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Performing sku validation : scale-out
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!crypto!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Importing existing encryption key
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 300 : CsrfTokenValidationConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:25:: i INFO: Registering 500 : WebApiOwinConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!1!08/11/2018-06:54:26:: i INFO: Registering 600 : ODataWebApiOwinConfig
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!3!08/11/2018-06:58:03:: e ERROR: [kobivkoj]: XSRF Failed (NonceCookieNotFound)
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!7!08/11/2018-06:59:09:: e ERROR: [1rlghwq3]: XSRF Failed (NonceCookieNotFound)
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/11/2018-07:00:20:: e ERROR: [e464emb8]: XSRF Failed (TokenHeaderNotFound)
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/11/2018-07:00:31:: e ERROR: [mv7d2fyu]: XSRF Failed (TokenHeaderNotFound)
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/11/2018-07:49:37:: e ERROR: [o0myk5eo]: XSRF Failed (TokenHeaderNotFound)

  • So the issue is still not resolved.

    The only entry in the Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost log file that seems to point to an issue is the following

    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!3!08/15/2018-12:07:23:: e ERROR: [um0trjuj]: XSRF Failed (TokenHeaderNotFound)

    This appears each time the icon is selected but by simply refreshing the page it loads and everything comes back with successful Response 200

    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [wz51zm8f]: GET /api/v1.0/ServiceState - Response 200 - 0:00:01.22362
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!8!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [2wpv80ze]: GET /api/v1.0/SystemResources - Response 200 - 0:00:01.2892137
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [26kob496]: GET /api/v1.0/powerbiintegration/powerbiintegration.isenabled - Response 200 - 0:00:00.0753604
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [7j79yyus]: GET /api/v1.0/notifications - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1254095
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [hd6ms50c]: GET /api/v1.0/ReportServerInfo/Model.SiteName - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1930504
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!8!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [8ev9bjvr]: GET /api/v1.0/reportserverinfo/model.GetVirtualDirectory - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1261485
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [myh00hcs]: GET /api/v1.0/SystemResources - Response 200 - 0:00:00.3928701
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [sn324i29]: GET /api/v1.0/reportserverinfo/model.GetWebAppUrl - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1123918
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [tzbrkfd1]: GET /api/v1.0/SafeGetSystemResourceContent%28type%3D%27UniversalBrand%27%2Ckey%3D%27logo%27%29 - Response 200 - 0:00:00.328224
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!8!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [yo6o4m9g]: GET /api/v1.0/AllowedActions%28path%3D%40path%29 - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1664092
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [sqatcvqj]: GET /api/v1.0/CatalogItemByPath%28path%3D%40path%29 - Response 200 - 0:00:00.2118554
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [f1f36khq]: GET /api/v1.0/me - Response 200 - 0:00:00.617544
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:29:: i INFO: [dt2pyk37]: GET /api/v1.0/catalogitems%288445cdf3-ab68-41a5-a758-bd92ac004914%29/Model.Folder/catalogitems/ - Response 200 - 0:00:00.5591899
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:29:: i INFO: [v6px8ndi]: GET /api/v1.0/telemetry - Response 200 - 0:00:01.3207868

    Can anyone advise why this is happening?

  • Dave_P_C - Wednesday, August 15, 2018 5:16 AM

    So the issue is still not resolved.

    The only entry in the Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost log file that seems to point to an issue is the following

    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!3!08/15/2018-12:07:23:: e ERROR: [um0trjuj]: XSRF Failed (TokenHeaderNotFound)

    This appears each time the icon is selected but by simply refreshing the page it loads and everything comes back with successful Response 200

    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [wz51zm8f]: GET /api/v1.0/ServiceState - Response 200 - 0:00:01.22362
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!8!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [2wpv80ze]: GET /api/v1.0/SystemResources - Response 200 - 0:00:01.2892137
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [26kob496]: GET /api/v1.0/powerbiintegration/powerbiintegration.isenabled - Response 200 - 0:00:00.0753604
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:27:: i INFO: [7j79yyus]: GET /api/v1.0/notifications - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1254095
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [hd6ms50c]: GET /api/v1.0/ReportServerInfo/Model.SiteName - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1930504
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!8!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [8ev9bjvr]: GET /api/v1.0/reportserverinfo/model.GetVirtualDirectory - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1261485
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [myh00hcs]: GET /api/v1.0/SystemResources - Response 200 - 0:00:00.3928701
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [sn324i29]: GET /api/v1.0/reportserverinfo/model.GetWebAppUrl - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1123918
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [tzbrkfd1]: GET /api/v1.0/SafeGetSystemResourceContent%28type%3D%27UniversalBrand%27%2Ckey%3D%27logo%27%29 - Response 200 - 0:00:00.328224
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!8!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [yo6o4m9g]: GET /api/v1.0/AllowedActions%28path%3D%40path%29 - Response 200 - 0:00:00.1664092
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!6!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [sqatcvqj]: GET /api/v1.0/CatalogItemByPath%28path%3D%40path%29 - Response 200 - 0:00:00.2118554
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!b!08/15/2018-12:07:28:: i INFO: [f1f36khq]: GET /api/v1.0/me - Response 200 - 0:00:00.617544
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:29:: i INFO: [dt2pyk37]: GET /api/v1.0/catalogitems%288445cdf3-ab68-41a5-a758-bd92ac004914%29/Model.Folder/catalogitems/ - Response 200 - 0:00:00.5591899
    Microsoft.ReportingServices.Portal.WebHost!reportserverwebapp!f!08/15/2018-12:07:29:: i INFO: [v6px8ndi]: GET /api/v1.0/telemetry - Response 200 - 0:00:01.3207868

    Can anyone advise why this is happening?

    I think you should raise a support ticket with Microsoft, this looks, smells and feels like a bug.

  • Thanks Eirikur Eiriksson
    I will request the teams raise a MS support ticket and post back when we get the resolution.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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