Create Combo packages - Ordered by Item Type and then Ranked as Group

  • I want to create a create a Combopackage of Top 3 Hats, Top 2 T-Shirts listed by ItemType and Top QtySold. In myresults, I want to list them as they rank by ItemType as 1 group. Below is sampledata followed by desired results. Can someone help me understand how I can dothis?

    - Create Combo Pack of Top Selling Hats and T-Shirts
    -- DROP TABLE #Items

    CREATE TABLE #Items (IID int IDENTITY (1,1), Item_Desc varchar(100), ItemType varchar(10), QtySold int)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Hat', 'Hat', 100)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('White Hat', 'Hat', 60)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Red Hat', 'Hat', 50)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Blue Hat', 'Hat', 40)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Green Hat', 'Hat', 35)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Teal Hat', 'Hat', 22)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Beige Hat', 'Hat', 20)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Purple Hat', 'Hat', 15)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Orange Hat', 'Hat', 5)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Brown Hat', 'Hat', 1)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('White Hat', 'T-Shirts', 190)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Hat', 'T-Shirts', 125)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Blue Hat', 'T-Shirts', 75)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Red Hat', 'T-Shirts', 56)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Green Hat', 'T-Shirts', 55)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Beige Hat', 'T-Shirts', 33)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Orange Hat', 'T-Shirts', 10)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Teal Hat', 'T-Shirts', 22)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Purple Hat', 'T-Shirts', 20)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Brown Socks', 'Socks', 110)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Socks', 'Socks', 85)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Red Socks', 'Socks', 11)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Brown Socks', 'Pants', 110)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Socks', 'Pants', 200)

    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Beige Socks', 'Pants', 125)

     Desired Results: Create a Combo package of Top 3 Hats, Top 2 T-Shirts. The goal is to show Hats first ordered by QtySold, then show T-Shirts ordered by QtySold ordered by QtySold. Then list them all as 1 package Hats 1-3 and T-Shirts 1 & 2. 

    -- 1 Black Hat 100
    -- 2 White Hat 60
    -- 3 Red Hat 50
    -- 4 White T-Shirt 190
    -- 5 Black T-Shirt 125

  • This seems very similar to a previous question of yours.  What have you already tried? And where are you getting stuck?


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Let's try the following:
    -- Create Combo Pack of Top Selling Hats and T-Shirts

    CREATE TABLE #Items (
        IID int IDENTITY (1,1),
        Item_Desc varchar(100),
        ItemType varchar(10),
        QtySold int
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Hat', 'Hat', 100)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('White Hat', 'Hat', 60)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Red Hat', 'Hat', 50)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Blue Hat', 'Hat', 40)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Green Hat', 'Hat', 35)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Teal Hat', 'Hat', 22)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Beige Hat', 'Hat', 20)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Purple Hat', 'Hat', 15)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Orange Hat', 'Hat', 5)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Brown Hat', 'Hat', 1)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('White Hat', 'T-Shirts', 190)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Hat', 'T-Shirts', 125)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Blue Hat', 'T-Shirts', 75)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Red Hat', 'T-Shirts', 56)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Green Hat', 'T-Shirts', 55)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Beige Hat', 'T-Shirts', 33)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Orange Hat', 'T-Shirts', 10)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Teal Hat', 'T-Shirts', 22)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Purple Hat', 'T-Shirts', 20)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Brown Socks', 'Socks', 110)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Socks', 'Socks', 85)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Red Socks', 'Socks', 11)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Brown Socks', 'Pants', 110)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Black Socks', 'Pants', 200)
    INSERT INTO #Items (Item_Desc, ItemType, QtySold) VALUES ('Beige Socks', 'Pants', 125);


        SELECT TOP (3) *,
            ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY I.QtySold DESC) AS RowNum
        FROM #Items AS I
        WHERE I.ItemType = 'Hat'
        ORDER BY I.QtySold DESC
        TOP_TSHIRTS AS (

            SELECT TOP (2) *,
                ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY I.QtySold DESC) AS RowNum
            FROM #Items AS I
            WHERE I.ItemType = 'T-Shirts'
            ORDER BY I.QtySold DESC

            SELECT TH.RowNum, TH.Item_Desc, TH.QtySold, 1 AS GroupSort
            FROM TOP_HATS AS TH
            UNION ALL
            SELECT TS.RowNum, TS.Item_Desc, TS.QtySold, 2 AS GroupSort
        O.Item_Desc, O.QtySold, O.GroupSort, O.RowNum
    ORDER BY O.GroupSort, O.RowNum;

    DROP TABLE #Items;

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • I suspect you could simplify that just slightly to:

       SELECT TOP (3) *, 0 As Sort
       FROM #Items AS I
       WHERE I.ItemType = 'Hat'
       ORDER BY I.QtySold DESC
       SELECT TOP (2) *, 1 As Sort
       FROM #Items AS I
       WHERE I.ItemType = 'T-Shirts'
       ORDER BY I.QtySold DESC
    Select * From
    Select * From TOP_HATS
    Union All Select * From TOP_TSHIRTS
    Order By Sort,QtySold Desc
  • I was playing with this and did essentially the same with two CTEs. But when I first looked at it, it didn't look right. And neither did the other ones.
    I just realized, there are hats in t-shirt description, socks in pants description...i.e. 'White Hat', 'T-Shirts', 190
    The results may not look correct but they are based on the data and using the where clause with ItemType. Item_Desc will all be Hats.


  • Yeah, the sample data seems a little bit off in that regard.

    Another approach which might perform better:

    Select *
     Select I.*, S.Sort, S.Cnt , ROW_NUMBER() Over (Partition By I.ItemType Order By I.QtySold Desc) As position
     From #Items I
     Join (Values(0,'Hat',3),(1,'T-Shirts',2)) As S(Sort,ItemType,Cnt) On I.ItemType = S.ItemType
    ) X
    Where X.position <= X.Cnt
    Order By Sort, position

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