Corrupt statistics stream in Azure SQL Database read-only replica

  • When trying to execute a SELECT query against a set of Azure SQL Database tables in a read-only replica database, I'm getting the following error:

    Msg 9105, Level 16, State 26, Line 1
    The provided statistics stream is corrupt

    The same query runs fine against the primary. I don't even know where to start troubleshooting, but even if I could locate the corrupt statistics I don't think I can update them in the read-only replica.
    Here is the full query:

    SELECT I.ListID, I.ItemID
    FROM dbo.KA_WSS_ListItems as I INNER JOIN
       dbo.KA_WSS_Lists as L ON I.ListID = L.ListID
    WHERE L.ListName = 'Style Library'

    It executes successfully if I remove the WHERE clause, which makes me think the corrupt statistics are located in the KA_WSS_Lists table, but again I don't know what to do with that information. Any ideas?

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