Query Store Read-only but query store space available

  • Hi there
    I noticed that the query store mode of a number of my Azure SQL databases was set to read-only despite there being available storage.  From what I understand that the operation mode will flip to read-only when there is no longer any storage left but I would assume that once the storage has been flushed (cleanup mode is set to Auto) that the operation mode would switch back to "read write".
    Does anyone know if this is a bug or is my assumption is incorrect?
    Has anyone noticed 

  • Michael.Gagne 13982 - Thursday, June 7, 2018 2:41 PM

    Hi there
    I noticed that the query store mode of a number of my Azure SQL databases was set to read-only despite there being available storage.  From what I understand that the operation mode will flip to read-only when there is no longer any storage left but I would assume that once the storage has been flushed (cleanup mode is set to Auto) that the operation mode would switch back to "read write".
    Does anyone know if this is a bug or is my assumption is incorrect?
    Has anyone noticed 

    I'm not aware of any automatic switch back to read write. But I've only had it read-only when I was playing with the settings. However, it can change to read only for reasons other than running out of space so I'm not too sure it would automatically switch. Did you check the readonly_reason in sys.database_query_store_options? In the documentation for that DMV, it doesn't sound like it does an automatic switch. It's addressed it bit in the Best Practices article that the documentation links to.


  • Thank you for your reply Sue_H.  The databases are all in an elastic pool together and a user operation earlier this week caused us to hit the limit on the pool and that caused the option to switch to read-only.

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