Upgrade issue from sql server 2008 r2 to sql server 2012 sp4

  • hi Team,
    I am doing side by side upgradation form 2008 to 2012.I ran sql server 2012 upgrade advisor, i found one issue .

    the issue is :
    User  defined CLR objects have  been detected .These objects may function differently in CLR 4.0 when the database compatibility level is raised to 110.

    in my database we have CLR functions which are using to delete,copy the physical files from folder.

    the same functions are not working in sql server 2012 because the CLR version is changed from 2.0(2008) to 4.0(2012).

    1. Do we need to drop and recreate the CLR functions again ?
    2. Is there any steps to upgrade CLR functions from 2008 to 2012?

    Please advice.

  • The only way I know of to do that is to recompile the code in Visual Studio, having edited the .Net version to 4.0.   Of course, you'll have to actually have .Net 4.0 installed on the machine you do this on, as well has have a version of Visual Studio that supports .Net 4.0.   Once you recreate your assemblies, you can use the scripts that create the existing 2008 functions and if the files are placed in the same location on the new server as on the old, you can just re-create the functions using the same scripts.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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