SQL Server ODBC error Communication link failure Native Error:0

  • Greetings!  I continue to have issues with a SQL Server - applications receive an error:  

    Run-time -2147211486 (80042722);
    General ODBC Error: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] Communication link failure
    Native error:0

    Other errors simply point to Check your network documentation. Native error:11 

    I am a database design person -- not enough technical knowledge to get into the details within the configuration of SQL.  It continues to run.  Can you direct me where to start trouble shooting?
    Thank you.

  • You'll need to be a lot more specific.   What machine(s?) receive the error?    What is the ODBC connection supposed to connect to, and from where?  What's the purpose of the ODBC connection?   Also, can you verify that the ODBC connections have been configured properly?   Those are NOT part of SQL Server, as they are configured on the machine that needs the connectivity.   Also, any such machine may need access across any network firewalls in order to get to the SQL Server.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

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