Assigning value to a variable from query in cursor

  • I have 88 tables that are updated with new records. I need to count the number of loaded records and place them into a simple audit table (TableName, NumberOfRecords, Date). I want to use a cursor but have a problem  (this is a fragment of procedure without the Insert part):

    Create proc [dbo].[ServSP_AuditAllTables_test]


    declare curTables cursor for

    SELECT TableName FROM AllTablesList

    declare @TableName varchar(100)

    declare @RecordCount int

    open curTables

    fetch next from curTables into @TableName

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    print @TableName

    set @RecordCount=(Select count(*) from @TableName )

    print cast( @RecordCount as varchar(20))

    fetch next from curTables into @TableName


    close curTables

    deallocate curTables


    I get this error message:

    Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ServSP_AuditAllTables_test, Line 12

    Must declare the table variable "@TableName".

    I declared it did not I?
    What's the problem?

  • valeryk2000 - Wednesday, May 23, 2018 2:34 PM

    I have 88 tables that are updated with new records. I need to count the number of loaded records and place them into a simple audit table (TableName, NumberOfRecords, Date). I want to use a cursor but have a problem  (this is a fragment of procedure without the Insert part):

    Create proc [dbo].[ServSP_AuditAllTables_test]


    declare curTables cursor for

    SELECT TableName FROM AllTablesList

    declare @TableName varchar(100)

    declare @RecordCount int

    open curTables

    fetch next from curTables into @TableName

    while @@FETCH_STATUS=0


    print @TableName

    set @RecordCount=(Select count(*) from @TableName )

    print cast( @RecordCount as varchar(20))

    fetch next from curTables into @TableName


    close curTables

    deallocate curTables


    I get this error message:

    Msg 1087, Level 16, State 1, Procedure ServSP_AuditAllTables_test, Line 12

    Must declare the table variable "@TableName".

    I declared it did not I?
    What's the problem?

    Because you can't use a variable in that manner in a FROM clause.  To accomplish what you are doing you will need to use dynamic SQL.
    That means you need to rethink your process a bit.  The first thing you should research is sp_executesql paying attention to how to pass out a value using it.  The clue here is OUTPUT.

  • CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ServSP_AuditAllTables_test]


    INSERT INTO dbo.audit_table ( TableName, NumberOfRecords, Date )
    SELECT ATL.TableName, CA1.row_count, GETDATE() AS date
    FROM AllTablesList ATL
      SELECT SUM(rows) AS row_count
      FROM sys.partitions p
      WHERE p.object_id = OBJECT_ID(ATL.TableName) AND
       index_id IN (0, 1)
    ) AS CA1

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • ScottPletcher - Wednesday, May 23, 2018 3:51 PM

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ServSP_AuditAllTables_test]


    INSERT INTO dbo.audit_table ( TableName, NumberOfRecords, Date )
    SELECT ATL.TableName, CA1.row_count, GETDATE() AS date
    FROM AllTablesList ATL
      SELECT SUM(rows) AS row_count
      FROM sys.partitions p
      WHERE p.object_id = OBJECT_ID(ATL.TableName) AND
       index_id IN (0, 1)
    ) AS CA1

    Definitely a better way to go but then wait for the ubiquitous reply that you may not get the correct result.  And no, I am not giving that, just expecting it.

  • Thank you, Scott and Lynn. The code works perfectly well.

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