For Loop Container and embedding User variables in the eval expression

  • I'm feeling very much like a Noob, and it may be deserved, but...

    Recently I found an opportunity to take advantage of the For Loop container. I had an execute sql task and a wait task (courtesy of third party tools). The goal was to wait 10 seconds, run the query, and evaluate the returned value along with another user variable, and that resulting user variable would then be used in the eval expression:  @[User::varLoopRun]==1.

    I had multiple tries to get it to work, and kept getting this error message regarding the inability of the task to convert int to string.

    I finally, after reading multiple links on the web, tried out of desperation to go into the advanced editor, and in the actual expressions, embed my condition in double-quotes as " @[User::varLoopRun]==1". And, bingo! it worked.
    I had been teased by all the articles I had read, that User variables could be used, but nowhere did I find a mention that it needed to be embedded in quotes in order to make it work.

    So, my real question is this: Did I miss something in all my reading?


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