default trace not creating trace file

  • default trace seems to be running but not creating file or creates one and writes nothing. also when i query the path for trace is NULL

  • You can check if it's enabled by running:
    SELECT * FROM sys.configurations
    WHERE configuration_id = 1568

    Are you checking sys.traces for the location of the .trc file?


  • did that and yes

  • Have you had any space issues on any of the disks recently?

    You can also check the location of the trace file through the registry:


  • no space issues and yes the path is in the registry which is the crazy thing
    when i create a generic trace that works just fine
    i need the default to work so i can check out the auto growth of the databases

  • Have you tried disabling the default trace then re-enabling it? I know this sounds pretty basic but it might work.


  • i did

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