Subtract Year from Year and Month

  • subtract 1 year from the year and month.

    I have @yearmonth='2017-06' . I want another variable to store 1 year before value from the @Yearmonth. eg-
    i have data -'2017-06' and i want to have '2016-06' in another variable.
    please help. Thanks.

  • There may be a better way, but here you go:
    DECLARE @yearMonth CHAR(7);
    DECLARE @prioryearMonth CHAR(7);

    SET @yearMonth = '2017-06';

    SET @prioryearMonth = CONCAT(CAST(LEFT(@yearMonth, 4) AS Int) -1, RIGHT(@yearMonth, 3));

    SELECT @yearMonth AS yearMonth, @prioryearMonth AS prioryearMonth

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Try:
    DECLARE @yearmonth char(7)='2017-01', @YmMinusYr char(7);
    SELECT @YmMinusYr = Convert(char(7), DateAdd(yy, -1, Cast(@yearmonth+'-01' AS date)), 120);
    SELECT @yearmonth ThisYear, @YmMinusYr Last year;

  • Thank you both. it worked.

  • This can be simplified to be done in the variable declaration statement.

    DECLARE @YEARMONTH  CHAR(7) = '2017-06';

    Or even simpler

    DECLARE @YEARMONTH  CHAR(7) = '2017-06';

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