Export AD into text

  • How can I export AD accounts along with SID's into a tab delimited text extract.

  • I assume you mean the AD Logins on your SQL Server and not from your Domain controller (if the latter, you're on the wrong website)? What about the users affiliated with those login (or those that might not be)? What are you looking to export, just the name and SID? What have you tried so far? Are you looking to do this is one go, or would you be happy to copy and paste a result set from SSMS, for example, (you've pasted in the Powershell forum, so i assume you're looking for use PoSh)?

    Could you actually explains your goals a bit more and elaborate? You're much more likely to get an answer if you post a comprehensive question, rather than simply making a demand of what you want. 🙂


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Noted.

    I was able to export  the AD's  this way
    Get-ADUser -Filter *|select GivenName,Name,Enabled,SID | out-file output.txt

    How do I remove the headers and make this file into a tab delimited file.
    I am going to schedule this and import the text extract into a table every day.

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