questions about moving a db from Sharepoint Access Web App to Azure

  • I have an existing sql server db that was created by up-sizing an Access database to a Sharepoint Access Web App. I have moved that db to a Sharepoint/Azure server, by using a snapshot of the Access Web App. I have altered the db owner to "dbo" for all tables and views being accessed by both an web app and an Access desktop app.

    The db is working perfectly with no issues as far as I can tell, but it contains a bunch of "Access" stuff, like AccessSystem.tables and AccessRuntime.views and AccessSystem.stored procedures and data macros and AccessSystem.functions, etc, etc.

    I am an application developer, and not a DBA. My initial question is, do I need to be concerned about all of the extra Access stuff and/or is there a safe way to remove it?  Or, is there any advantage to rebuilding the db anew and then transferring the table data from the old db to the new? If rebuilding is the smart thing to do, is there a relatively easy way to accomplish that from the snapshot bacpac?

    I appreciate any  advice you can provide,

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