Scan error log

  • I am trying to get errors along with error codes,  looks like some of the error messages does not match with error code

    use tempdb
    CREATE TABLE errors
        EntryTime datetime,
        source varchar(50),
        LogEntry varchar(4000)

    insert into errors
    exec master..sp_readerrorlog 0

    select a.*,b.* from errors a, errors b where a.logentry like 'Error:%' and b.rowid=(a.rowid - 1) order by a.entrytime desc

  • Try joining on  b.rowid=(a.rowid + 1)


  • thanks, it works

    select a.*,b.* from errors a, errors b where a.logentry like 'Error:%' and b.rowid=(a.rowid + 1) order by a.entrytime desc

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