How to return PrimaryKey, Inserted datetime

  • Hi 

    I have a Procedure

    CREATE PROCEDURE ReturnValues(
    @ReturnValuesID INT OUT
    @MemberID INT
    @Name  VARCHAR(10)
    @InsertedDate DATETIME OUT

    INSERT INTO dbTable(

    I want to return the primary key and the Inserted time.

    I thought of this

    DECLARE @MyTableVar TABLE(
    PK INT
    ,InsertedDt DATETIME

    INSERT INTO @MyTableVar
    OUTPUT inserted.ReturnValuesID, inserted.InsertedDate

    But I'm getting this error:
    he OUTPUT clause cannot be used in an INSERT...EXEC statement.

    Is there any better solution or what am I doing wrong?

  • If you're using the procedure in an INSERT INTO ... EXEC... Then you need to be very careful. You can't add more resultsets to the procedure, as they're break the insert. Given that, how do you want to return those two columns?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • You could do in in a merge however you may want to consider this: ALTER TABLE dbTable ADD DateCreated datetime CONSTRAINT DFdbTableDateCreated DEFAULT GetDate()

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