"Import Data-tier Application" failed

  • I tried to import an Azure generated bacpac file to my local SQL Server 2016 machine but got the following error all the time:

    Could not import package.

    Warning SQL 72012: The object xxx exists in the target, butit will not be dropped even though you selected the ‘Generate drop statementsfor objects that are in the target database but that are not in the source’check box.

    Error SQL 72014: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: msg 33161,Level 15, State 1, Line 1 Database master keys without password are not supportedin this version of SQL Server.

    Error SQL 72045: Script execution error. The executedscript: CREATE MASTER KEY;


    Some web sites taught me typed this before you do Import Data-tier Application

    sp_configure'contained database authentication', 1; 




    But still failed.

    May I know is it possible to import an Azure bacpac file into an on-premise SQL Server?
    If yes, what are the proper procedures?

  • the error looks like you have a DMK in Azure without a password, which isn't allowed in an on-premise instance. I exported a DTA from Azure and imported into SQL 2016 without an issue. I think in your case it's data dependent.

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