• So at work I need to create a Radar chart that utilises information from another dataset in my project.

    I can't seem to use LOOKUPS in the expressions.


    Create dataset RadarTemp.
    select 1 as RadType,'Apples' as RadItem,20 as RadAmount union all
    select 2 as RadType,'Apples' as RadItem,20 as RadAmount union all
    select 3 as RadType,'Apples' as RadItem,20 as RadAmount union all

    So I assign the value as RadAmount etc and thats all fine,however i can't use the VARIABLE in this dataset as the info I want is calculated by a lookup. So I want to do something like this in the Values box like you can on bar charts,pie,etc.

    That way I can retrieve the correct values as I would have done on my other dataset?

    What am i doing wrong pleae? Can this be done in a Radar Chart in Report Builder 3.0


  • I fixed it it was me.

    It can use lookups quite happily in the expression,but make sure the values are good ones on your test and i had a simple case problem with the lookup.Instead of "RadBlue" in my lookup it was "RadbLUE"

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