Export to CSV using bulk copies data, can't write to local

  • Table in my db should be exported to csv file via bcp query. I managed to export it on the Server side drive, and it is just fine, but I can't export to local machine.

    I shared drive, granted full control to everyone. When I remotely run the server I am not able to ping my machine as request always times out, on the other side, server is accessible from my machine.

    I tried to access shared folder on my colleagues computer. Now I can access his shared folder but the error I am receiving when trying to execute my procedure persisted and writing to server remains the only option.

    Here is what I've done...

  • Can you try mapping the drive first - so its X:\OutputFiles.csv

    It could be down to the backslash being recognised as an escape character instead of a backslash.

  • I imagine it's a permissions issue more than anything. I assume that you have configured a Service account on your SQL Server and that you have granted that Service Account access to that directory?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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