upload files

  • We would like to implement a way of upload file from a .net application and later display it and users can download and open it.

    The backend is SQL server database. I would like to know which is the best way or simplest way to do this:
    1. to save the files to drive of the server. 2. to save it to the database table like binary file. 3. save the meta data in a table, but put the file on the file system. 4 use file stream.

    I think I will try to avoid to use no 4. file stream.  No 2 or no 3 may be better to use

    Any suggestions and best practice on the one you suggested?


  • I would definitely recommend number 3, let the OS handle the actual file management that's part of what it's there for after all.  In the database store whatever meta data the app will need when it needs to retrieve a file.

  • Thanks,
    Any document how to implement No3

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