Data not loading - but no errors - the package turns green after running.

  • I have an SSIS package which has a sql task, foreach loop and data flow task inside the foreach loop.
    SQL task - gets list of servers
    General:resultset:full result set.
    result set--> user::serverlist
    foreach loop - collection-->ENUMERATOR-->fOR EACH ado ENUMERATOR.
    ADO object source variable:User::serverlist
    dataflow task:oledbsource--->oledb destination
    variable mappings:->user::currentserver -->0 (index)
    The package runs without any failure but not data comes into the destination sql table.
    When I double click the data flow task while it is running the oledb source and oledb destination do not change color so obviously it looks like this is not getting executed.
    Retain same connection -true (oledb source and destination properties)
    delay validation - true (oledb source and destination properties)
    When I click on preview in ole db source I find the results in the preview window.

    The sql query :
        FROM [tempdb].[dbo].[sysobjects]
        WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'[tempdb].[dbo].[tmp_indexfragmentation_details]'))
        DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[tmp_indexfragmentation_details]

    CREATE TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[tmp_indexfragmentation_details](
        [DatabaseName]                     [nvarchar] (100) NULL,
        [ObjectName]                    [nvarchar] (100) NULL,
        [Index_id]                         INT,
        [indexName]                     [nvarchar] (100) NULL,
        [avg_fragmentation_percent]        float NULL,
        [IndexType]                     [nvarchar] (100) NULL,
        [Action_Required]                 [nvarchar] (100) default 'NA'
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    DECLARE @dbname varchar(1000)
    DECLARE @sqlquery nvarchar(4000)

    DECLARE dbcursor CURSOR for
    SELECT name FROM sys.databases WHERE name NOT IN ('master', 'tempdb', 'model', 'msdb')

    OPEN dbcursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM dbcursor INTO @dbname

        SET @sqlquery = '
        USE [' + @dbname + '];

        IF EXISTS
            SELECT compatibility_level
            FROM sys.databases
                name = N'''+ @dbname +'''
                AND compatibility_level >= 90
            INSERT INTO [tempdb].[dbo].[tmp_indexfragmentation_details]
                , ObjectName
                , Index_id
                , indexName
                , avg_fragmentation_percent
                , IndexType
                db_name() as DatabaseName
                , OBJECT_NAME (a.object_id) as ObjectName
                , a.index_id, as IndexName
                , avg_fragmentation_in_percent
                , index_type_desc
                sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (db_id(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) AS a
                JOIN sys.indexes AS b
                a.object_id = b.object_id
                AND a.index_id = b.index_id
                b.index_id <> 0
                AND avg_fragmentation_in_percent <> 0
        EXEC sp_executesql @sqlquery
    FETCH NEXT FROM dbcursor
    INTO @dbname

    CLOSE dbcursor
    Deallocate dbcursor

    -- Update the action require for item with average fragmentation value >30 to "Rebuild"
    UPDATE [tempdb].[dbo].[tmp_indexfragmentation_details]
    SET Action_Required = 'Rebuild'
    WHERE avg_fragmentation_percent >30

    -- Update the action require for item with average fragmentation value >5 & <30 to "Reindex"
    UPDATE [tempdb].[dbo].[tmp_indexfragmentation_details]
    SET Action_Required = 'Reorganize'
    WHERE avg_fragmentation_percent <30 and avg_fragmentation_percent >5

    -- Show the index fragmentation result
    SELECT * FROM [tempdb].[dbo].[tmp_indexfragmentation_details]
    ORDER BY databasename

  • Are you saying that the data flow task goes green, but the source and destination don't?  Is there anything in the package log that shows the data flow task starting and finishing?  Does anything happen in between?

    Try changing your list of servers so that there's only one server in it.  Do you still get no rows transferred?  What happens if you manually run the query on that server?


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