Select results based on a value within a table

  • Morning All,

    Iā€™m stumped on a sqlquery and thought I might ask for some help. first time I'm trying this.

    I'm trying to build a select query that pulls fields from 3 related tables (transactions,Destinatin,Rates)  the Rates table has two particular columns [Rate A] and [Rate B] and I need to select either one of these based on a value in the Transaction table [Tonnage] column. So basically if the tonnage is <= 15 then select [Rate A] if not [Rate B]

    I've joined the 3 tables , I'm think I should use a subquery in a case like below but I'm not sure how to put that together, or whether this is the best way to do it.

    Case when tonnage >= 15 then subquery1 else subquery2


    I've attached sample of my script.

    Any help is much appreciated.

  • I think this is what you're after.
    CASE WHEN Tonnage <= 15 THEN [Rate A] ELSE [Rate B] END


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thank you for your quick reply....yes that worked like a dream , I wish I had come here earlier. 

    Thanks ! šŸ˜€

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