SSIS : Excel Source (Connect to protected file without password)

  • Dear all,

    I have a excel file that is protected but not with password.
    Everytime I try to connect to this excel file using SSIS I receive an error saying that the file is readonly.
    If I take the protection from the excel (unprotect sheet) I am able to connect.

    Can someone help me understand what expression property in my excel SSIs connection do I need to change in order to be able to read from the file?

    Note: No password in the excel

    Thank you

  • I'm not aware of any setting that will bypass that kind of security.   Also, ask yourself this question:  Would you want spreadsheets that are "protected" to be so easily compromised?

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • using the ACE driver (2010 or 2016) it seems to work fine.
    If that isn't what you are using give it a try

    Also note that some of the drivers will also have a property "MODE" which can be set to "READ" which may also allow you to open the file.

    Steve - if the excel file is not password protected then it is not bypassing any security - it still will not allow writing to it.

    As it stands none of the Microsoft provided drivers allows for opening a excel file that is password protected - thirt party tools required.

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