Insert records into newly added column

  • Taking AdventureWorks as example

    1. Create New Table
        CREATE TABLE Insert1
            ContactID INT,
            FirstName NVARCHAR(100),
            MiddleName NVARCHAR(100),
            LastName NVARCHAR(100),
            FullName NVARCHAR(100)

    2. Inserting records to this table

    INSERT INTO Insert1
      CASE WHEN MiddleName IS NULL THEN FirstName + ' ' + LastName
      ELSE FirstName + ' ' + MiddleName + ' ' + LastName END AS FullName
    FROM AdventureWorks.Person.Contact

    3. Add two new columns

        ALTER TABLE Insert1
        ADD TotalDue MONEY
        ALTER TABLE Insert1
        ADD OrderDate DATETIME

    4. these new columns come from adventureworks.sales.Salesorderheader table
     The relationship between Person.Contact table and sales.Salesorderheader table is 1 to many

    after adding the table structure looks like below

    ContactID    FirstName    MiddleName    LastName    FullName    TotalDue    OrderDate
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    NULL    NULL
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    NULL    NULL
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    NULL    NULL
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    NULL    NULL
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    NULL    NULL
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    NULL    NULL
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    NULL    NULL
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    NULL    NULL
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    NULL    NULL
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    NULL    NULL
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    NULL    NULL

    Expected OutPut

    ContactID    FirstName    MiddleName    LastName    FullName    OrderDate    TotalDue
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    2001-09-01 00:00:00.000    5370.284
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    2002-03-01 00:00:00.000    5410.064
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    2002-06-01 00:00:00.000    3516.5416
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    2002-09-01 00:00:00.000    36330.7417
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    2002-12-01 00:00:00.000    43214.9511
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    2003-03-01 00:00:00.000    32078.747
    1    Gustavo    NULL    Achong    Gustavo Achong    2003-06-01 00:00:00.000    49846.693
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    2003-09-01 00:00:00.000    42123.1691
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    2003-12-01 00:00:00.000    37324.429
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    2004-03-01 00:00:00.000    29091.4559
    2    Catherine    R.    Abel    Catherine R. Abel    2004-06-01 00:00:00.000    43962.7901

  • I might be missing something, but my copy of Adventure works doesn't have a table Person.Contact, thus I can't run your scripts.

    If, however, the relationship is many to one, how are you determining what value is being inserted into Order Date and Total Due? What happens if you add an order to Sales.SalesOrderHeader, are you ok with the data becoming stale in your insert1 table?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • You really should not insert the name values into your new table. That rather defeats the point of relational data. You should instead insert only the ContactID. If the name changes in the User table your data will be out of date. However, sometimes in a sales type of environment you really do want to denormalize and store the name at the time of the sale. But this does not seem to be what you are attempting to do here.

    In the example you posted I would not make this a new table. Instead this is simply a query that joins those two tables together and storing that data is not the best approach. A view is probably the best way to handle what you are demonstrating here.


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  • First, you haven't really asked a question.
    Second, when you add a column, you need to decide where the data comes from. A column is like adding a new column to a table in Word. There's no data until you decide what data goes in there. If you're asking how to insert this data, you need to provide answers to the questions about about what data you think goes in there, meaning the rules.

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