SQL 2008 Transactional Replication - Pull Subscription for SSRS & Poor Performance

  • Hi all, I am hoping this is posted in the appropriate section as I could not find anything specifically related to replication.
    Anyway, I have 2 DB servers,
    server 1 is configured as the Distributor and publisher
    server 2 is configured as the subscriber and is setup as a pull subscription.
    server 2 is configured as an SSRS server.
    Now when running reports from server 2 they are incredibly slow and usually timeout. After looking at the replicated database tables on the subscriber the foreign keys and indexes are missing!
    What must I configure at the publisher in order for the subscriber DB to also get the foreign keys and indexes transferred across or do I have to script these manually?

  • It's easier to script them and apply them after the snapshot has applied.

    If you want them as part of the snapshot to apply automatically you can by changing the article properties.

    Be warned that if an error occurs applying the indexes that the whole snapshot is applied again, so generally better to apply them manually after the initial initialization.

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