Need help to find employee history

  • Can anyone help me with this?I need to find the allocation history of projects for employees.For this we use a table Resources with multiple entries for the same employee with the latest row marked as IsCurrent(value 1).

    EmployeeId Project AllocatedOn RelievedOn RoleId
    12 P0 01-01-17 12-05-17 3
    12 P1 12-05-17 12-06-17 3
    12 P2 01-07-17 NULL 3

    This is the sample data(Resources table). It means that the employee was in Project P0 from 01-01-17 to 12-05-17 and he got allocated to P1 on 12-05-17,from which he was relieved on 12-06-17.The next allocation shown is for 01-07-17.So from the period 12-06-17 to 01-07-17,he is in ‘bench’ or ‘pool’(this row needs to be manipulated).
    What I did was as shown below(I know that something is wrong with this query,although I am getting the result for the time being):
    DECLARE @JoinDate date,@LastDeallocation date,@LastAllocatedOn date

           SET @joinDate=(SELECT joiningdate FROM [dbo].Resources WHERE  EmpID=@EmpId and IsCurrent=1
           SET @LastDeallocation=(select max(DeallocationDate) from Allocation WHERE  EmployeeID=@EmpId and IsCurrent=1
           SET @LastAllocatedOn=(select max(AllocationDate) from Allocation WHERE  EmployeeID=@EmpId and IsCurrent=1)

           SELECT * FROM
           SELECT r.RoleID,P.ProjectName,r.AssignmentDate AssignedOn,RelievingDate DeallocatedOn
                  FROM Resources r
                  INNER JOIN Employees E ON E.ID=r.EmpID
                  INNER JOIN Project P ON P.ProjectID=r.ProjectID
                  where r.EmpID=@EmpId --and AssignmentDateIntoProject>=@joinDate

           UNION ALL
           SELECT  r.RoleID,'Bench' AS ProjectName,R.RelievingDate AssignedOn,
                         R1.AssignmentDate DeallocatedOn
                  FROM Resources R    
                  INNER JOIN Resources R1 ON R1.ResourceID=R.ResourceID+1
                  WHERE R.EmpId=@EmpId AND (R.RelievingDate<R1.AssignmentDate)

           UNION ALL --this is for entries just deallocated(the current bench)
           SELECT  r.RoleID,'Bench' AS ProjectName,@LastDeallocation AS AssignedOn,
                  NULL AS DeallocatedOn
                  FROM Resources R WHERE EmpId=@EmpId     
                  AND R.RelievingDate =@LastDeallocation AND @LastDeallocation>@LastAllocatedOn

           )AS X

           order by X.AssignedOn


    Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason so few engage in it.


  • Can you please post the DDL (create table) scripts, sample data as an insert statement and the expected output?

  • Sunitha, you have enough visits and points on to know how to post a question on the forum. We need create table scripts, inserts and expected output. There probably should be some comments with the data to show logic/requirements too.

    I do note that you mention IsCurrent, but you don't have that in your queries that I saw. I find that curious given my quick read.

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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