Left Join not returning all rows from left table

  • I am stuck as to why the query is not returning all rows. My CTE1 has 92 rows and CTE2 has 90 rows.
    My query should return 92 rows - but I am getting 90. 

    with CTE1 (EmpID,Name,SSN,GrossPay,PayRate,Birthdate,Hiredate,StreetAddress,City,Zip) as
    select a.semployeeidf,b.slastname + ', '+ b.sfirstname +' '+b.smiddleinitial as Name,b.sssn ,a.curamount,
    a.drate,b.dtmBirthday , b.dtmHired ,b.sAddress ,b.sCity,b.sZip  from tblprhistearn as a
    join tblpree as b on a.sEmployeeIDf = b.sEmployeeId
    where a.searncodeidf in ('Salary','PT Hrly Pers')
    CTE2 (EmpID,DedBeneCode,Amount) as
    select sEmployeeIDf ,sdeductcodeidf,curamount from tblPRHistDeduct
    where sdeductcodeidf in ('rt23','rt26','misc','retire')
    union all
    select semployeeidf, sbenecodeidf, curamount from tblprhistbene
    where sbenecodeidf in ('ert26','ert23','rul','e retire1')

    select cte1.empid,
    RT23 = sum( case when dedbenecode = 'rt23' then amount else 0 end)

    from CTE1
    left join CTE2 on cte1.empid = cte2.empid
    group by cte1.Empid
    order by cte1.Empid

  • Please ignore - this I have already resolved the issue.


  • Why not post what the resolution was in case someone searches this up. You'd be helping others.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Safe bet it was the GROUP BY.

    "If I had been drinking out of that toilet, I might have been killed." -Ace Ventura

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