how to use case with these 2 conditions null and doesnt exist?

  • Hello experts,

    Im having difficulty to write these query with both options, these is what I have so far and is working in a SQL query:

    case when sola.ECCN is null then icd.ECCN else sola.ECCN end AS TESTVALUEECCN

    but how can I add the doesn't exist option??

    I need to show this value icd.ECCN  when this value sola.ECCN is null or doesnt exist.

    Any help will be much much appreciate it

  • montserrat.deza - Friday, June 23, 2017 12:34 PM

    Hello experts,

    Im having difficulty to write these query with both options, these is what I have so far and is working in a SQL query:

    case when sola.ECCN is null then icd.ECCN else sola.ECCN end AS TESTVALUEECCN

    but how can I add the doesn't exist option??

    I need to show this value icd.ECCN  when this value sola.ECCN is null or doesnt exist.

    Any help will be much much appreciate it

    It looks like you can replace your CASE statement with:

    ISNULL(sola.ECCN, icd.ECCN) TestValueCCN

    From your description of sola.ECCN not existing, I'm guessing you're OUTER JOINing sola to icd.  This is only a guess.  In that case, if the row in sola doesn't exist, it'll return NULL in the result set, so the NULL check (either CASE or ISNULL) will handle it.

    If my guess is wrong, please post DDL and your full query so I can better see what you're working with.

  • can't you just add another WHEN THEN?

        when icd.ECCN is not null
      then icd.ECCN
    when sola.ECCN is not null 
      then sola.ECCN 
    else 'missing' end 

    that could also be written with a COALESCE, whihc is easier to read, but is still converted to the exact same case


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  • Thank you!!! that is easy lol!!! Thank  you so much will work...

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