tabular backup fails as a job

  • All of a sudden the jobs I had scripted out backing up my tabular databases started failing with the error
    Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Xmla.ConnectionException: A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running. ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it 

    If I just backup the database from the GUI it works, anyone seen this before?

  • Xmla works with IDs and names in conjunction. Script put the backup again (from the place where it works in the gui) and examine the Xmla. Does it match what you had previously scripted?

    If it's not this, has there been an environmental change at all? I've seen this sort of error caused by a loopback issue.

    I'm on LinkedIn

  • not the issue found issue but have another problem.  This is on a physical active passive cluster.  WHen we fail to node 2 tabular name is dwsql01tab\dwsql01tab, on node 1 it is dwsql01tab.  It is a clustered resource and all tabular databases show on each node.  Of course this causes a problem with power bi with the different names

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