Rows to columns, but ordered.

  • Good day,

    I have a case where I need to reconstruct some data.  I have built a way to take rows, put them into a column.  This works well, EXCEPT, that the order is wrong.  I need to get it to order by the KeyPosition Column, however all attempts to date have not worked.

    declare @test-2 table (id int, grp varchar(25), keyposition int, KeyValue varchar(100));

    Declare @desiredoutcome varchar(100) = 'hello - 4/28/2017 - 1381 - Ann - Example'

    insert into @test-2 values (123, 'hello', 1, '4/28/2017');
    insert into @test-2 values (123, 'hello', 2, '1381');
    insert into @test-2 values (123, 'hello', 3, 'Ann');
    insert into @test-2 values (123, 'hello', 4, 'Example');

    with RebuildString_CTE as (
    SELECT distinct, ltrim(rtrim(ank.grp)) + ' -' +
                            (select distinct ' - ' + ank1.keyvalue
                            FROM    @test ANK1
                            where = id
                    for xml path('')),1,2,'') as ReconstructedAutoName
                FROM    @test ANK
    Select    case when dest.ReconstructedAutoName = @desiredoutcome
                then 'Same'
                else 'Different'
            end as CaseResult
            ,, dest.ReconstructedAutoName, @desiredoutcome
    from RebuildString_CTE Dest;

    Above results

    CaseResult id ReconstructedAutoName (No column name)
    Different 123 hello - 1381 - 4/28/2017 - Ann - Example hello - 4/28/2017 - 1381 - Ann - Example

    Notice, that dring the columns to rows, the date gets moved because 1 comes before 4.  🙁


  • This should get you what you are looking for

    , ReconstructedAutoName = ltrim(rtrim(ANK.grp)) + ' -'
             + STUFF( (SELECT ' - ' + ANK1.keyvalue
                FROM @test-2 AS ANK1
                WHERE =
                ORDER BY ANK1.keyposition
                FOR XML PATH(''))
    FROM @test-2 AS ANK
    GROUP BY, ANK.grp;

  • How about removing the DISTINCT and adding an ORDER BY ?
    DECLARE @test-2 AS TABLE (
        id int,
        grp varchar(25),
        keyposition int,
        KeyValue varchar(100)
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 1, '4/28/2017');
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 2, '1381');
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 3, 'Ann');
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 4, 'Example');

    DECLARE @desiredoutcome AS varchar(100) = 'hello - 4/28/2017 - 1381 - Ann - Example';

    WITH RebuildString_CTE as (

        SELECT DISTINCT, LTRIM(RTRIM(ANK.grp)) + ' -' +
                    SELECT ' - ' + ank1.KeyValue
                    FROM @test-2 AS ANK1
                    WHERE = id
                    ORDER BY
                    FOR XML PATH('')
                    ), 1, 2, '') AS ReconstructedAutoName
        FROM @test-2 ANK
    SELECT CASE WHEN dest.ReconstructedAutoName = @desiredoutcome THEN 'Same' ELSE 'Different' END AS CaseResult,, dest.ReconstructedAutoName, @desiredoutcome
    FROM RebuildString_CTE AS Dest;

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Thanks for the response.  I had tried that. Do you get it to work?

    I get:
    ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

    Which makes sense, but adding it alters my results.

  • CoryEllingson - Friday, April 28, 2017 2:23 PM

    Thanks for the response.  I had tried that. Do you get it to work?

    I get:
    ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

    Which makes sense, but adding it alters my results.

    Try creating a CTE which gets distinct data first, then reference the cte when building up the string

  • CoryEllingson - Friday, April 28, 2017 2:23 PM

    Thanks for the response.  I had tried that. Do you get it to work?

    I get:
    ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

    Which makes sense, but adding it alters my results.

    I took out the DISTINCT.   Not sure you need it, but if you do, you can select out that DISTINCT data in a previous CTE and join to it in the one that uses the STUFF, or perhaps GROUP BY instead, but that will force an aggregate be applied to your STUFF.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • This should work to replace the DISTINCT.   It gives the correct result:
    DECLARE @test-2 AS TABLE (
        id int,
        grp varchar(25),
        keyposition int,
        KeyValue varchar(100)
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 1, '4/28/2017');
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 2, '1381');
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 3, 'Ann');
    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES (123, 'hello', 4, 'Example');

    DECLARE @desiredoutcome AS varchar(100) = 'hello - 4/28/2017 - 1381 - Ann - Example';


        SELECT DISTINCT, T.keyposition, T.KeyValue
        FROM @test-2 AS T
        RebuildString_CTE as (

        SELECT DISTINCT, LTRIM(RTRIM(ANK.grp)) + ' -' +
                    SELECT ' - ' + ank1.KeyValue
                    FROM DISTINCT_VALUES AS ANK1
                    WHERE = id
                    ORDER BY ANK.keyposition
                    FOR XML PATH('')
                    ), 1, 2, '') AS ReconstructedAutoName
        FROM @test-2 ANK
    SELECT CASE WHEN dest.ReconstructedAutoName = @desiredoutcome THEN 'Same' ELSE 'Different' END AS CaseResult,, dest.ReconstructedAutoName, @desiredoutcome
    FROM RebuildString_CTE AS Dest;

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • Thanks!  That worked.  I am not sure why I did not think of that - But I truly appreciate it!

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