Aggregating from multiple join tables

  • I have 3 tables:

    • UserAccount
    • LoanAccount
    • SaveAccount

    The first is a joining table for the others. A given user may have multiple loan and savers accounts. The account numbers are unique, but there is no way to determine whether an account is a loan or savers account without joining. This is a legacy system so I cannot change it.

    I am trying to determine which accounts have both loan and savers accounts, and are not closed. I can determine which have multiple open loan accounts using the following:

    Select        UserName,
                Count(AccountNo) As NumAccounts
    From        UserAccount        usa
    Inner Join    LoanAccount            lac On lac.AccNo= usa.AccountNo
    Where        lac.CloseDate    Is Null
    Group By    UserName
    Having        Count(AccountNo) > 1
    Order By    NumAccounts Desc

    and a similar query for savers, but am struggling to write one that combines this so that I get a list of useful users holding both loan and savers accounts. Any suggestions would be welcome.

  • I really don't know what's going on, because the tables you mentioned don't all correspond with the tables in the query.  And you'd get an ambiguous column name error for AccountNo when you run the query.

    Something like this may work for you.  If it doesn't, you're going to need to post table DDL (CREATE TABLE statements), sample data (INSERT statements) and expected results.

    Select   UserName,
        Count(lac.AccountNo) As LoanAccounts,
                COUNT(sac.AccountNo) AS SaveAccounts
    From   UserAccount   usa
    Inner Join  LoanAcc    lac On lac.AccountNo = usa.AccountNo
    INNER JOIN SaveAccount sac ON usa.AccountNo = sac.AccountNo
    Where   lac.CloseDate  Is Null
    AND sac.CloseDate IS NULL
    Group By  UserName


  • Thanks John. Sorry for the confusion, I changed the object names for security reasons. I have amended the SQL in the post now. I tried your suggestion, and as I suspected, it returned nothing. I changed the Inner Joins to Left Joins, as an account number will only ever appear in one of the 2 joined tables. That brought back results. However, ideally, I wanted to be able to determine users who had open accounts of both types. Currently, I see a number relating to the number of accounts for a user, but can not, without further querying, see that the user has both types of account.

    I think I have solved this now. I amended the SQL as follows:

    Select        usa.UserName,
                Count(lac.AccNo) + Count(sac.AccNo)    As NumTotal,
                Count(lac.AccNo)                        As NumLoanAccounts,
                Count(sac.AccNo)                        As NumSaveAccounts
    From        UserAccount            usa
    Left Join    LoanAccount lac        On lac.AccNo = usa.AccountNo
    Left Join    SaveAccount sac        On sac.AccNo = usa.AccountNo
    Where        lac.CloseDate is Null
    And            sac.CloseDate Is Null
    Group By    usa.UserName
    Having        Count(lac.AccNo) > 0
    And            Count(sac.AccNo) > 0
    Order By    NumTotal Desc

    and it seems to be working fine now. Thanks for your assistance.

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