Looking for MDX Query Help

  • It's a pretty basic query

    It's a list of the screens of an application and the views a certain client has of the screen.

    {[Epic Screens].[Epic Screen].&[2502],[Epic Screens].[Epic Screen].&[2537]} ON COLUMNS,
    NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN ([Screen Loaded Calendar].[Months Periods].[All].Children,[Measures].[Screen Views]) ON ROWS
    FROM [Epic Performance]
    WHERE ([Clients].[Client ID].&[XXXXXX]&[27466])

    The missing 4 months of data are a sliding thing.  Current Month, Prior Month, Tertiary Month, and 3 months ago will always be null, as the calendar advances for instance, this month December (4 months ago) started returning data, and next month the 4 months ago will be January data and May, April, March and February will be missing data.

    If I run the same query but for only one screen, I get different results?

    {[Epic Screens].[Epic Screen].&[2502]} ON COLUMNS,
    NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN ([Screen Loaded Calendar].[Months Periods].[All].Children,[Measures].[Screen Views]) ON ROWS
    FROM [Epic Performance]
    WHERE ([Clients].[Client ID].&[XXXXXX]&[27466])

    Somehow something about the AS database design is causing this I think, but what would I look for that would only exclude this one screen, only for the most recent 4 months, and only when I bring it and another screen's data back?

    --Mark Tassin
    MCITP - SQL Server DBA
    Proud member of the Anti-RBAR alliance.
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