SignalR Deadlock

  • The below select is causing deadlock on our production box. How can i avoid this?

    The same query is running from different servers at same time.
    (@PayloadId bigint)SELECT [PayloadId], [Payload], [InsertedOn] FROM [SignalR].[Messages_0] WHERE [PayloadId] > @PayloadId

  • Rechana Rajan - Wednesday, April 19, 2017 2:19 AM

    The below select is causing deadlock on our production box. How can i avoid this?

    The same query is running from different servers at same time.
    (@PayloadId bigint)SELECT [PayloadId], [Payload], [InsertedOn] FROM [SignalR].[Messages_0] WHERE [PayloadId] > @PayloadId

    We need more information in order to be of any assistance, can you please post the DDL (create table) script for [SignalR].[Messages_0] including all indices and constraints, the deadlock graph and information on the cardinalities of both the table and the result set ([PayloadId] > @PayloadId)

  • Thanks Erikkur,

    CREATE TABLE [SignalR].[Messages_0](
        [PayloadId] [bigint] NOT NULL,
        [Payload] [varbinary](max) NOT NULL,
        [InsertedOn] [datetime] NOT NULL,
        [PayloadId] ASC

    No other  index other than  clustered index.

      <victimProcess id="process1e45468" />
      <process id="process1e45468" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="KEY: 7:72057604889575424 (be611099975b)" waittime="3094" ownerId="6154843548" transactionname="CQueryScan::BeginNotifXact" lasttranstarted="2017-04-19T11:10:21.593" XDES="0x8e45623b0" lockMode="RangeS-U" schedulerid="6" kpid="89184" status="suspended" spid="190" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2017-04-19T11:10:21.590" lastbatchcompleted="2017-04-19T11:10:21.593" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.593" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="NXBSRV1-DC1" hostpid="43532" loginname="nxbsignalr" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="6154843547" currentdb="7" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128056">
       <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="38" stmtend="240" sqlhandle="0x020000001c044424b440f84184b17c85b38f51ef750390570000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown  </frame>
       <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown  </frame>
    (@PayloadId bigint)SELECT [PayloadId], [Payload], [InsertedOn] FROM [SignalR].[Messages_0] WHERE [PayloadId] &gt; @PayloadId </inputbuf>
      <process id="process217fc28" taskpriority="0" logused="0" waitresource="KEY: 7:72057604889575424 (cf0e8615d690)" waittime="3094" ownerId="6154843528" transactionname="CQueryScan::BeginNotifXact" lasttranstarted="2017-04-19T11:10:21.593" XDES="0x5965ec3b0" lockMode="RangeS-U" schedulerid="5" kpid="74524" status="suspended" spid="133" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="0" lastbatchstarted="2017-04-19T11:10:21.590" lastbatchcompleted="2017-04-19T11:10:21.593" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.593" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="NXBSRV5-DC1" hostpid="54944" loginname="nxbsignalr" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="6154843526" currentdb="7" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128056">
       <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="38" stmtend="240" sqlhandle="0x020000001c044424b440f84184b17c85b38f51ef750390570000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown  </frame>
       <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
    unknown  </frame>
    (@PayloadId bigint)SELECT [PayloadId], [Payload], [InsertedOn] FROM [SignalR].[Messages_0] WHERE [PayloadId] &gt; @PayloadId </inputbuf>
      <keylock hobtid="72057604889575424" dbid="7" objectname="SIGNALR.sys.query_notification_1955510416" indexname="cidx" id="lockdbf129280" mode="RangeS-U" associatedObjectId="72057604889575424">
       <owner id="process217fc28" mode="RangeS-U" />
       <waiter id="process1e45468" mode="RangeS-U" requestType="wait" />
      <keylock hobtid="72057604889575424" dbid="7" objectname="SIGNALR.sys.query_notification_1955510416" indexname="cidx" id="lockb12698a80" mode="RangeS-U" associatedObjectId="72057604889575424">
       <owner id="process1e45468" mode="RangeS-U" />
       <waiter id="process217fc28" mode="RangeS-U" requestType="wait" />

  • Can anyone help me on this?

  • How many tables is your SignalR set to use? We have the same issue, we are running SignalR in backplane with 3 tables, but are looking to expand to 6 to try to reduce the number of deadlocks that we get per day. This article was helpful for us to configure it, our next release we plan on scaling out.

  • chris.munsell - Wednesday, April 26, 2017 8:15 AM

    How many tables is your SignalR set to use? We have the same issue, we are running SignalR in backplane with 3 tables, but are looking to expand to 6 to try to reduce the number of deadlocks that we get per day. This article was helpful for us to configure it, our next release we plan on scaling out.

    Thanks Chris,

    We are using 4 tables now. Thankfully i am not getting any deadlock for the last 2 weeks.

  • That is great!
    Did you do something similar to what the link I provided mentioned?

  • chris.munsell - Monday, May 1, 2017 8:07 AM

    That is great!
    Did you do something similar to what the link I provided mentioned?

    Not made any changes at the moment.

  • Where does 

    Where lockMode="RangeS-U"

    come from?
    A SELECT query does not initiate any "U" kind of locks by itself.
    What causes "update resource lock" to be placed within this transaction?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy - Monday, May 8, 2017 8:01 PM

    Where does 

    Where lockMode="RangeS-U"

    come from?
    A SELECT query does not initiate any "U" kind of locks by itself.
    What causes "update resource lock" to be placed within this transaction?

    Thanks Sergiy,

    Unfortunately I dont have answer for that.

  • Can you trace the DB calls?

    But honestly - if you cannot change the code there is no hope to fix it.

    The issue is within the code.

    There must be an explicit transaction which includes an update on this table.

    It forces U lock to be applied

    The SELECT statement you see must be a part of that explicit transaction.

    It selects from range (PayloadID > @PayloadID), so the lock is changed to RangeS-U.

    The query as it's written has to scan the whole range.

    With 2 or more such queries invoked at the same time a deadlock is guaranteed.

    If only it could be changed to "SELECT TOP 1"...

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy - Tuesday, May 9, 2017 6:51 AM

    Can you trace the DB calls?But honestly - if you cannot change the code there is no hope to fix it.The issue is within the code.There must be an explicit transaction which includes an update on this table.It forces U lock to be appliedThe SELECT statement you see must be a part of that explicit transaction.It selects from range (PayloadID > @PayloadID), so the lock is changed to RangeS-U.The query as it's written has to scan the whole range.With 2 or more such queries invoked at the same time a deadlock is guaranteed.If only it could be changed to "SELECT TOP 1"...

    Thanks Sergiy,

    As I already told this is system generated from SignalR .

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