Open SSRS report in Excel vai hyperlink.

  • How to setup hyperlink to open report in Excel or in PDF from SSRS in SharePoint Integrated Mode with two parameter value 
    I tried with this url but it doesn't work. Do I need to pass parameter to this url as well. can I have a example please.

  • A couple things, 
    1. You will need to figure out the report server path under your SSRS, like http://servername/reportserver (Note the difference: regular path is http://servername/reports)
    2. You will definitely need to pass the parameter into the URL. separate them with "&" (no ") and replace "/" with %2f, replace " " to "+", see below example
    http:// + [SERVERNAME] + /Reportserver?/ + {[FOLDER NAME]} + / + [REPORTNAME] + {& [PARAMETER_NAME] = [VALUE]} + &rs:Format=PDF or Excel
    {} indicates could be miltiple. 
    You may have multiple folder, or multiple parameters. Make sure you concatenate all your parameters with "&".
  • Thanks for your response, I got it work, however I wanted to pass field value once the report has been refreshed using parameter value. How should I do it.

  • rk_tech - Wednesday, April 19, 2017 10:03 AM

    Thanks for your response, I got it work, however I wanted to pass field value once the report has been refreshed using parameter value. How should I do it.

    I am confused on what you want. Can you be more specific ?
    Do you mean by cascading parameter value ?
    It will be more helpful if you can provide your report parameter (names, value/label) and cascading relationship.

  • Main Report has two parameter with 1st one is Customer to Enter into parameter1 and 2nd one to select from dropdown list as 2nd parameters. Once I refresh the report I would like to export as it is to Excel and in PDF format.
    I have two text box in the report as hyperlink where I will use first text box as export PDF and another text box as export to Excel and in that I am using this url string under action property.

    Here what I am using as url

    so my question is when I don't pass any parameter string to url when exporting then it give error as
    Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'Category' is not a valid value. (rsInvalidReportParameter)

    Since report has been refreshed already when I click the export button, then do I need to pass any parameters or field value. sorry I am little confused here. I hope this helps you to identify the problem.

  • rk_tech - Wednesday, April 19, 2017 12:37 PM

    Main Report has two parameter with 1st one is Customer to Enter into parameter1 and 2nd one to select from dropdown list as 2nd parameters. Once I refresh the report I would like to export as it is to Excel and in PDF format.
    I have two text box in the report as hyperlink where I will use first text box as export PDF and another text box as export to Excel and in that I am using this url string under action property.

    Here what I am using as url

    so my question is when I don't pass any parameter string to url when exporting then it give error as
    Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'Category' is not a valid value. (rsInvalidReportParameter)

    Since report has been refreshed already when I click the export button, then do I need to pass any parameters or field value. sorry I am little confused here. I hope this helps you to identify the problem.

    From my understanding:
    You have a report takes 2 parameters, inside the report, you may have two cells in a matrix/table or text fields that shows "Export to PDF", "Export to Excel", and they are hyperlink in behind which you provide the user to click the link (inside the cell), it will export to the desired format.

    You are hoping on screen, after you click view report, the report displayed, and you click on those 2 cells, and it will pop-up the export action (to Excel/PDF). 
    Like the image I attached ?

    If that's the case, make sure your Action value like this,

  • Hi Thank you for providing screen shot. I was not putting concatenate string correctly using parameter value. you sreen shot helped to pass parameter dynamically to make url work.
    Thank you for you help. Resolved.

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