Explorer access for filetables

  • Thanks for reading,

    I've tried everything I can on this one and still can't seem to get write access (from the local machine) to the sql filetable share through windows explorer..

    This is what I've done so far..

    Created 'Temp' folder in D and given full control to 'Everyone'
    Run the following script:


    create database FileTableDemo;

    alter database FileTableDemo
    add filegroup FileStreamGroup1 contains filestream;

    alter database FileTableDemo
    add file (
      name = FileStream1,
      filename = 'D:\Temp\FileStreamFileGroup1'
      ) to filegroup FileStreamGroup1;

    alter database FileTableDemo set filestream ( directory_name = 'FileTableDemo' );

    alter database FileTableDemo set filestream( non_transacted_access = full );

    use FileTableDemo;
    create table MyFileTable as filetable;

    INSERT INTO MyFileTable (file_stream, name) VALUES (CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), 'just a test'), 'test.txt')

    The filetable is browsable, both from the SQL management console > Explore and also via the path name. The file test.tx is there as expected, however when I try to open this I get the error message 'The request is not supported'.. Also if I try dragging and dropping files I get the error '0x8007028A' The device object parameter is either not a valid device or the object is not attached to the volume specified by the filename.
    Interestingly a 0kb file with a guid type name gets created in the filestream folder on D:\temp every time I try and attempt to copy or create a new file.

    Thinking this was a permissions issue I've granted permission to the login I was using..

    USE [FileTableDemo]

    CREATE USER [winAdmin] FOR LOGIN [myDomain\winAdmin] WITH DEFAULT_SCHEMA=[dbo]

    GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT ON [dbo].[MyFileTable] TO [winAdmin]

    Also then went through and then ensured that all columns were selected for each of the permissions.

    I've now got as far as I can so if anyone out there has anything worth trying then I would be really grateful..

    Thanks in advance


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