Expression treating 0 the same as Null help

  • Hey friends!
    I'm having a heck of a time here.
    I have an expression that should be returning 0 rows but instead it is returning a different number.  The query has 19 rows returned and each of them has Null for the Income.  I need to be able to count distinct clients when the income = 0 and by my reasoning, this should work because it works fine when comparing it to other ranges like > 0 and <= 150.
    =CountDistinct(IIF(Fields!Income.Value = 0, Fields!ClientID.Value, Nothing))

    The kicker is that I have another row where I'm inspecting if it was never filled out, and that is where I'm looking for the income to be Is Nothing.
    =CountDistinct(IIF(Fields!Income.Value is nothing, Fields!ClientID.Value, Nothing))

    So, why is the Income.Value = 0 returning all 19 rows just the same as the Income.Value Is Nothing when it is clear that they are all Null and definitely not 0?
    What am I missing here?

  • Edit: Misunderstood, sorry.  Can your incomes have a value lower than 0? For example, couldyou instead do:
    =CountDistinct(IIf(IIf(IsNothing(Fields!Income.Value), -1, Fields!Income.Value) = 0, Fields!ClientID.Value, Nothing))


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Editted my response after rereading.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • The income would never fall below 0.  I also found that adding IsNumeric() to the expression also does the trick.
    Thank you for your help!  I appreciate it.

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