PowerShell Script Help

  • I am looking for power-shell script which does QA checks on MSSQL database based on the parameters from Excel sheet using Powershell.

    Here is what I am looking for.

    1. Read the excel sheet values which have Sql Instance related information like:

                     SQL Instance Name, SQL Port, SQL Version.

    1. Once the required values have been captured from Excel Sheet store them into a variable.
    2. Using the variables which we have captured in Step 2 we need to compare those values against an Existing Microsoft SQL Instance and display a message where the results doesn’t match up.

    Ex: We have captured SQL Instance name has   MIG\QA1 from excel sheet and when compare with an exsisting sql instance which has name like MIG\Q1 then it should display error message saying SQL Instance Name mismatch.

  • What part are you having trouble with? What works and what doesn't? Specifically?


    -- Stop your grinnin' and drop your linen...they're everywhere!!!

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