Error converting varchar to date

  • I am receiving error while executing the SP with following parameter.
    I tried using set dateformat but still didn't work.
    SP destinition as below.
    Create Stored procedure PopulateVolume
    @StartDate    date,
        @EndDate    date
        Declare @StartDate date = '2016-01-01'
        Declare @EndDate date = '2016-10-27'


        -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    --1) Add all new ECG Volume records to a temp table

        Select        Year(confirmation_date)* 100 + month(confirmation_date) YearMonth,
                    right (rtrim(Location), 2) as location_id, 
        --Into        #tVol
        From        staging.ECGVolume SEV
        Where        not exists (Select 1    from    ECG.ECG_volume EEV
                                Where    right(ltrim(SEV.location),2) = EEV.location_id
                                And        SEV.AccessionId = EEV.AccessionId
                                And        IsNull(SEV.patient_number,'') = Isnull(EEV.patient_number,'')
                                And        SEV.patient_last_name = EEV.patient_last_name
                                And        isnull(SEV.recorded_by,'') = isnull(EEV.recorded_by,'')
                                And        SEV.interpreting_physician_l_name = EEV.physician
                                And        SEV.confirmation_date = EEV.confirmation_date
        and            confirmation_date between @StartDate and @EndDate

    I am executing SP as below.

    exec PopulateVolume
            @StartDate = 'dateadd(D,-15,getdate())',
            @EndDate = 'getdate()'

    I am getting the error error
    Msg 8114, Level 16, State 5, Procedure spPopulateECGRecall, Line 25
    Error converting data type varchar to date.

    Can anyone please help?

  • You can't do calculations on the fly like that.  Try this:

        @StartDate date
    ,   @EndDate date;
       @StartDate = DATEADD(day,-15,GETDATE())
    ,   @EndDate = GETDATE();
    exec PopulateVolume
       @StartDate = @StartDate,
       @EndDate = @EndDate;
  • Anyhow, i found the solution.

    SET @sdate = dateadd(D,-15,getdate())
    SET @edate = getdate()

    exec sp... @sdate, @edate

    Thanks all.

  • You're assigning string values to dates. You need to define the variables to assign values and then use the variables to send their values as parameters to the procedure.

    Declare @StartDate date = dateadd(D,-15,getdate()),
       @EndDate date = getdate();

    exec PopulateVolume @StartDate, @EndDate;

    Luis C.
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    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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