Help with the logic of a SQL script

  • Hi,
    I am just looking for some pseudo code/logic for a SQL script I am going to create.

    I have two tables that are related, one is called entry and the other is called item. One entry can have many items. The item entry has a foreign key that can link to the entry's primary key.

    In the item table there is a status code attribute which can be any number from 1 to 15.
    I want to create a script that will look for any entry where all the relating items are status 7.

    I hope this makes sense. Ithink I am going to kick myself when I work it out.

  • Something like
    SELECT * FROM Entry WHERE EntryID NOT IN (SELECT EntryID FROM Items WHERE Status <> 7)

    Thomas Rushton

  • Wrong topic.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • thank you ever much ThomasRushton!

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