Will Cancelling an update that updates 50k rows in a while loop rollback id cancelled

  • Hey guys, I have a while loop where I'm using a temp table(actually a normal table in the database named with the prefix "tmp_") to join against another table to update 50k rows at a time. I realized that my temp table didn't have a clustered index leaving it as a heap. I'd like to stop the update, add a clustered index to the tmp table. If I stop the query will it rollback all the updates that's already completed? My code is below:

    While (Select count(*) from dbo.tmp_MyTbl) > 0


    Update Top (50000) m

    set MyColumn = f.MyColumn

    from (SELECT TOP 50000 * FROM dbo.tmp_MyTbl WITH (NOLOCK) ORDER BY [PrimeKey_ID] ASC) AS f

    inner join dbo.MyotherTable m on f.PrimeKey_ID = m.PrimeKey_ID

    DELETE FROM dbo.tmp_MyTbl

    WHERE PrimeKey_ID IN (SELECT TOP 50000 PrimeKey_ID FROM dbo.tmp_MyTbl WITH (NOLOCK) ORDER BY [PrimeKey_ID] ASC);


  • No, not unless you have an explicit BEGIN TRANSACTION outside of that code. By default, each statement is automatically committed once it completes.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Awesome, thx

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