need to extract text from given string

  • Given string I need to get two values :

    example 1 string : Day20ReminderCampaign2016_09_15_13:46:57

    needed :

    1) Day20ReminderCampaign

    2 ) 20160915 13:46:57

    example 2 string Day3ReminderCampaign2016_09_19_02:28:39

    needed :

    1) Day3ReminderCampaign

    2 ) 20160919 02:28:39

  • Use PATINDEX to find where the text finishes and the date starts you can use '20[0-9][0-9]' or something like that as your pattern match. Once you've got that, it's easy to use LEFT, RIGHT and LEN to split the two components out.


  • Looking at your two examples, can I assume that the date at the end is always in yyyy_MM_dd_HH:mm:ss format? If so, this would work:

    Create table #examples (string varchar(100));

    Insert into #examples

    Values ('Day20ReminderCampaign2016_09_15_13:46:57'),


    Select e.string,

    LEFT(e.string, len(e.string) - 19) as CampaignString,

    replace(LEFT(right(e.string, 19), 10),'_','') + ' '+ RIGHT(e.string, 8) as DatetimeString

    from #examples e;

    Drop table #examples;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • komal145 (9/19/2016)

    Given string I need to get two values :

    example 1 string : Day20ReminderCampaign2016_09_15_13:46:57

    needed :

    1) Day20ReminderCampaign

    2 ) 20160915 13:46:57

    example 2 string Day3ReminderCampaign2016_09_19_02:28:39

    needed :

    1) Day3ReminderCampaign

    2 ) 20160919 02:28:39

    Please provide what rules you have (if any) about what those two sets of strings can look like. Easiest by far would be if either the text or the date are always EXACTLY the same length. For example, if ALL of the date/time values look EXACTLY like that (including leading zeros). then it is trivial:

    select right(field,19) as datetimeraw, left(field,len(field)-19) as fieldtext

    You may need to adjust the LEFT value by one.

    I leave it to you to take datetimeraw and manipulate it to a valid datetime string. 😎

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • You need to get in the habit of posting information in a consumable format.

    create table #Something


    SomeValue varchar(100)


    insert #Something

    select 'Day20ReminderCampaign2016_09_15_13:46:57' union all

    select 'Day3ReminderCampaign2016_09_19_02:28:39'

    From there is it is fairly trivial to leverage some string functions to do this. Here is one way.

    select LEFT(SomeValue, CHARINDEX('_', SomeValue) - 5)

    , STUFF(

    replace(SUBSTRING(SomeValue, CHARINDEX('_', SomeValue) - 4, LEN(SomeValue)), '_', '-')

    , CHARINDEX(':', replace(SUBSTRING(SomeValue, CHARINDEX('_', SomeValue) - 1, LEN(SomeValue)), '_', '-'), 1)

    , 1

    , ' ')

    from #Something


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    Need to split a string? Try Jeff Modens splitter

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  • My solution:

    -- sample data

    DECLARE @sampleData TABLE (stringID int, string varchar(1000));

    INSERT @sampleData


    (1, 'Day20ReminderCampaign2016_09_15_13:46:57'),

    (2, 'Day3ReminderCampaign2016_09_19_02:28:39');




    part1 = SUBSTRING(string,1,split-1),

    part2 = STUFF(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(string,split,8000),'_',''),9,0,' ')



    SELECT *, split = PATINDEX('%[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][_][0-9][0-9]%',string)

    FROM @sampleData

    ) Prep;

    "I cant stress enough the importance of switching from a sequential files mindset to set-based thinking. After you make the switch, you can spend your time tuning and optimizing your queries instead of maintaining lengthy, poor-performing code."

    -- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001

  • Thanks to everyone. Your responses are helpful , it works as needed.

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