• Dears, good morning !

    I inciante in database and am developing a script for optimization routines in SQLServer.

    This bat is being run in a Windows environment, and to perform the bat the backup files are displayed on the screen, but would like a solution that, after we select a backup, it should be completed in the corresponding syntax restore, for example ( RESTORE DATABASE test FROM DISK = N'C: \ SQLServer \ Backup \ bkp_xpto.bak '). I wish the selected backup was automatically filled in restore syntax, or I could just type up the name, the restore syntax .--> RESTORE DATABASE test FROM DISK = N'C: \ SQLServer \ Backup \ bkp_XPTO. bak. ' )

    Note: The backup files are never replaced, they are geradoscom date and time.

    Attached follows the prints.


    Douglas Ramos

    Em anexo, segue os prints.


    Douglas Ramos

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