Date field showing as text when linked from Sql Server Table

  • I have a strange problem.

    when I link a table with date field from SQL Server to Access 2013.

    The date is showing as short text in access linked table.

    The date picker associated to the control is also not working.

    I am using ODBC driver as the DSN connection. I have changed this to Sql Server Native Client 11.0, then it worked fine. the date was pulling properly.

    My application has 100 users and have checked on most of their machines there is no Sql Server Native Client 11.0 installed.

    Hence, I have no other option using the ODBC driver is my DSN.

    Please help how to fix this problem. All I need is when linked the date field must show mm/dd/yyyy not yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00

    Thank you in advance

  • You don't mention what version of SQL Server you are using, or what data type the SQL Server table is defined as. But since using the Native Client 11 ODBC driver fixes the problem, that is a significant clue. The driver that ships with Win7, 8 or 10 generally works as well or better than the Native Client drivers, but the Native Client drivers are available from the Microsoft website as a free download, so that is one option. I would suggest you try relinking the table to see if that fixes the problem. If not, you may have to resort to downloading the native client driver on all 100 of your user PCs.

    Colorful Colorado
    You can't see the view if you don't climb the mountain!

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