Tricky SQL BCP syntax when using XMLRECORD.value in a query

  • I have the following SQL SELECT statment that works fine in a Query window

    SELECT XMLRECORD.value('(/row/c1/text())[1]','varchar(MAX)') FROM SOMEDB.dbo.TheXMLtable

    However I'm having difficulty formatting this query when trying to export the table out to a flat file on disk when using BCP.

    I know I have to 'escape' the single quotes, so this yields (There are double quotes around the select, all others are Single quotes)

    BCP "SELECT XMLRECORD.value(''/row/c1/text())[1]'',''varchar(MAX)'') FROM SOMEDB.dbo.TheXMLtable" QUERYOUT "dfeoutAa.txt" -T -c

    ___^DblQuote______________^2SingleQuote____^2^SingleQuote ^2SingleQuote_________________^DblQuote__^DblQuote__^DblQuote

    This is yielding the error "[SQL Server]'text' is not a recognized built-in function name."

    I've spent an hour trying various variations of single quotes but so far have not been able to find the correct method.

    Does anyone understand what's missing here, or can suggest an alternate way of exporting the file ?

    Source row looks like;

    key766.33<row id="key766.33" xml:space="preserve"><c1>value1|value2|value3|valuexx</c1></row>

    Export expcted to look like


    I apprecate the help. Thanks, Aa

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