help with full text search on column saved as image data type

  • I have a column for storing resumes in the SQL server 2000 database. I have it set up for a full text index. My search is not returning a value even when I know there are records that match.

    Here is the structure of the table Applicant_Resume

    UserID char(9) ,

    Extension varchar(10) ,

    FileSize bigint ,

    FileSource image

    To see what the full-text indexing properties are click on the link to the image

    I have a stored procedure that will be used for searching

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_SearchResumes

    @SearchFor nvarchar(500)











    dbo.Applicant_Resume R INNER JOIN

    dbo.Application A ON R.UserID = A.UserID INNER JOIN

    dbo.Jobs J ON A.JobID = J.JobID INNER JOIN

    dbo.ElectronicFolder F ON A.FolderID = F.FolderID



    Should I be doing something differently?

    Also is it possible in this version to make it so that it can search pdf documents? I read an article a month or so ago on this but they had a newer version of SQL server than we are running.

  • To create a full-text index on a varbinary(max) column, the Full-Text Engine needs access to the file extensions of the documents in the varbinary(max) column. This information must be stored in a table column, called a type column, that must be associated with the varbinary(max) column in the full-text index. When indexing a document, the Full-Text Engine uses the file extension in the type column to identify which filter to use. Visit here[/url] for more information.

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