how to find dependency on stored procedure

  • Hi,

    Just want to know Is there any way we can find number of reports depend on one Stored procedure?

  • implied dependancies only, i'm afraid.

    you can search the ReportServer.dbo.catalog for specific strings; and ideally int eh <CommandText> of the xml itself, sicne that's the command that the datasource sues.

    this is what i just put together:




    select convert(varchar(max),CONVERT(varbinary(max),Content))As StrContent,*

    from reportserver.dbo.Catalog


    SELECT SUBSTRING(StrContent,p1.i,p2.i - p1.i) As MostOfCommandText,* FROM MyCTE

    CROSS APPLY(SELECT CHARINDEX('<CommandText>',StrContent) As i) p1

    CROSS APPLY(SELECT CHARINDEX('</CommandText>',StrContent) As i) p2

    WHERE SUBSTRING(StrContent,p1.i,p2.i - p1.i) LIKE '%MyProcedureName%'


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