Stored Procedure Returning output of Another Stored Procedure

  • I have a login page which validate user Credential on Website

    SqlCommand sqlComm = new SqlCommand();

    sqlComm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

    sqlComm.CommandText = "loginSp";

    sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@userid", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = txtusrnm.Text;

    sqlComm.Parameters.Add("@Password", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = txtpswd.Text;

    sqlComm.Connection = new SqlConnection(conString);

    SqlDataAdapter sa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlComm);

    DataSet ds = new System.Data.DataSet();


    ConnectionString :

    <add key="connection" value="server=localhost;database=XXX;trusted_connection=yes;Min Pool Size=5;Max Pool Size=60;Connect Timeout=60"/>

    The issue is that Sometime above Line of Code Return the Output of other Procedure instead of Calling "loginSp" Stored Procedure ... I wrote a log file in each and every step

    here is the logFile

    I don't know what is Wrong happening .. I m facing Error on Development Server only ..

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