variable Scoping

  • Hi all,

    DECLARE @batchSize INT

    Declare @siteid nchar(3)

    DECLARE @Instanceid nchar(3)

    set @siteid = '002'

    SET @InstanceId = '001'

    SELECT @batchSize = CAST(ConfigurationValue AS Int)

    from ApplicationConfiguration

    where ConfigurationDescription='SyncBatchSize' and InstanceId = @InstanceID and SiteiD = @SIteID

    select @batchsize

    -- Result NULL

    SELECT @batchSize = CAST(ConfigurationValue AS Int)

    from ApplicationConfiguration

    where ConfigurationDescription='SyncBatchSize' and InstanceId = '001' and SiteiD = '002'

    select @batchsize

    -- Result 501

    While passing variable I am gettign NULL in result while when I pass static value then it gives me result as 501, why this is happening...

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • Maybe because you switched values in your example.

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  • Koen Verbeeck (2/7/2014)

    Maybe because you switched values in your example.

    ohhh I typed incorrectly here... but after make correction also its not working

    To get quick answer follow this link:

  • With DDL for TABLE ApplicationConfiguration, specifically data types for InstanceId and SiteiD, someone might be able to propose a hypothesis.

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